6 January 2003
Dear Rotary Club President
Greetings from the City of Kings, which will host this year’s District Conference. We are working hard to ensure that it will be a memorable conference, and will be distributing full details and registration forms within the next few weeks.
As part of our overall planning, we are offering advertising space, in our conference programme to businesses throughout the District. We would like to invoke the ‘fellowship of the wheel’, and call upon each Club President in the District to sell just two pages of advertising.
I am certain that there are members in your club that would be eager to offer assistance to sell advertising space that would be read by senior executives, businessmen and top decision makers in our District.
Advertising costs are:
Full Page (4 colours) - 120x185mm - ZWD 30.000
Full Page (inside front cover & inside back cover
or 2 colour advert) - 120x185mm - ZWD 25.000
Full Page (one colour) - 120x185mm - ZWD 20.000
Half Page - 120x90mm - ZWD 10.000
Quarter Page Vertical - 120x45mm - ZWD 5.000
Quarter Page Horizontal - 60x90mm - ZWD 5.000
Sponsor Footnote - ZWD 2.500
Copy is required in electronic format by 01-March-2003 and should be made available to:
Jean Wiley – jean@netconnect.co.zw and copied to
Julie Bonett –
Payment should be made by cheque to:
Rotary District 9210 Conference 2003
P.O. Box 136, Bulawayo
by the same date.
I know that I can look forward to your assistance.
Yours in Rotary
Omar Hassim, Conference Convenor.